Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mumbo Jumbo

So as I sit here right now trying to think of what to write about, I am truly feeling thankfully challenged. I have felt so many emotions today, and I am not sure which one's to go off of and feel thankful about! Each one, whether they were good or bad, seems to have its own flexibility and twist where I could eventually lead to something to be thankful for at the end. So, do I starting naming them all and then list them out according to importance? Or maybe list the things in the order they happened today? I feel like I am losing focus and my mind isn't in this right now. Maybe this isn't going to be as easy as I thought. It is hard staying committed to something and doing it every day!

The "thanks" that sticks out in my mind the most is being thankful for my mother-in-law. She has been here for the weekend to visit, and I ALWAYS enjoy her time. From cooking awesome food to some of the most meaningful conversations; I just love spending time with her. She is a great mom, and an excellent Grandma. We are ALL so fortunate to have her in our lives!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Friends. =)

You know those people that come into your life from the most random situations and end up being some of the nicest people and greatest friends? I can think of at least 3 people right now that I have met recently and they have been added to my list of blessings.

I think it is so neat how the Lord can bring people in our lives who we know nothing about, and we can learn from eachother and just enjoy knowing eachother! I will never understand those who "limit" their friends, and live in a little bubble, and are content with never meeting new people. I love meeting new people, and will never tire of hearing their stories and sharing mine. I believe we all have a story to share. I believe that I have a testimony to share. I am amazed at who the Lord has brought into my life, and excited at the thought that He is not done! =)

Tonight I am thankful for my friends!! The one's that I have known, and those that I may never "meet", but will know one day in heaven. =)

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Tonight I do not have much to say, but I think a lot of people can relate to what little I have.

I am thankful for my bed. I am exhausted after a long day. The thought of being so close to collapsing in the most comfortable bed [in the whole world] makes me want to stop anything and everything keeping me from it. So with that, I say goodnight. =)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Healthy and ID Free!

Over the last few years I have had many places removed on my skin due to the sun. Most of the spots were no big deal but there were several that I had to have surgeries for. The last surgery I had was a little over a year ago and never healed properly. All of this was going on while we were in the middle of moving to Charleston. I made a couple of trips back to Greenville to see my dermatologist [who I still LOVE to this day] and tried to figure out what the issue was, but the day came when I had to find someone here to help and I had to find them fast. After many weekly doctor visits [I will spare the details] and a positive pregnancy test later, I was sent to an infectious disease specialist who determined that I had an infection in the Tuberculosis family. All sorts of questions came to mind: How can we fight this during a pregnancy? Is it going to spread? Is it going to hurt the baby? Should we just cut the whole section out of my leg? WHEN is this going to END?

I was prescribed medication that the insurance kept denying and it seemed like there was no other way to fight this infection. I had been discouraged and wondering if my leg was actually ever going to heal. Everything had been put on hold and it was just a waiting game until after I had Ryleigh-Ann.

At 2:30 this afternoon I had my first doctor appointment since last September with the ID Consultants. Today, I am happy and EXTREMELY THANKFUL to say that I am now healthy and infectious disease free!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Shelter in the Storm

We have had pretty strong storms almost every day here for the past week, and this one was no exception. It is during times like this that I can't help but stop and look around my home. I see chairs, couches, carpet, lights, a thermostat, my bed, and everything else that is comfy and [key word] DRY. I even think about those batteries in the drawer or the flashlight somewhere in the house that we have, just in case the power goes out. Sometimes I say a prayer for those that do not have what most of us do. I can't imagine trying to find something to take cover in or under while something so powerful is going on outside. What is awesome and beautiful and cozy to us [and yes, sometimes frightening], is possibly the most terrifying and miserable night to someone else. Tonight, I am thankful for shelter in the storm.

Thankfully Challenged

I have this thing that I do. I did it a lot when Brad lived in Charleston and the kids and I were still in Greenville. The nights were the worst, and when I could not sleep I would lay in bed and start naming everything that I was thankful for; from the shingles on our roof, to the lock on the basement door beneath me. Without fail, I would fall asleep in the middle of "thanking", and to this day I have never run out. So with this in mind, starting today I am challenging myself to find one thing a day to be thankful for and see how many days I can go until I run out.

I recently had my 3rd child, and have had a hard time keeping a positive attitude dealing with the daily struggles that come with 3 kids. I have had a negative outlook on my days, especially when I don't feel like I am getting my nights. Today I got to thinking, why is it so easy to have a good attitude when everything is going my way, and why am I keeping my "thankfulness" limited to when I need comfort at night? I have so much to be thankful for! Today I will start blogging my life, one thanks at a time. =)

"Giving thanks ALWAYS for ALL things unto God..." Ephesians 5:20